A great result for Tickhill Junior Football Club
“Looking Good” said Jamie Dunstan of South Yorkshire based Yorkshire Pitchcare.
Less than 4 weeks ago Tickhill Junior Football club’s site was over-seeded with Supaturf 8 Premium Sports Pitch Renovation Ryegrass mixture sown at 25 -35 gms/m2 , followed 2 weeks later with Thomas Elliott’s 12:6:6 Organic based fertiliser spread at 35 gms/m2 .
Jamie has transformed with the aid of Vitax and Thomas Elliott products, what was arable farm land 4 years ago, to a site to be proud of. No wonder his expertise is in high demand from clubs in his area.
With quality products and a liberal dose of mother nature, the site is ready for the resumption of play following the Covid 19 restrictions.