
Thomas Elliott Fertilisers

Fertilisers for Outfield

Fertilisers for Outfield

TE 3993G – TE 9:7:7

Homogenous 2 to 4mm granule balanced fertiliser, 9% Nitrogen (N) stimulates healthy growth without the danger of stimulation excessive top growth.  Phosphorus (P) & Potash (K) levels are suited to environments where grass clippings are routinely boxed off or where soil analysis indicates that residual levels may be Low to Medium.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3987G - TE 7:7:7 Growmore.

Traditional granular fertiliser (2 to 4mm granule), provides Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potash (K) in balanced proportions, making it an ideal source of nutrients for all round plant production.  Used as either a base or top-dressing will stimulate growth in all plants, encouraging fruiting, flowering, abundant foliage and strong healthy roots.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 5038G – 18:3.5:8 Staged release.

General purpose Spring & Summer advanced formulation suitable for all Fine Turf applications. Staged nutrient release period of between 16 to 20 weeks (subject to climatic environmental/climatic conditions). One application ensures even controlled growth throughout the spring/summer playing season. 1.5 to 3mm granule size.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3934G – TE 11:0:13 + 7Fe

A Spring & Summer fertiliser with a granule size of between 2 and 4mm, offers even distribution of nutrients for sports surfaces which could be subject to heavy wear.  Relatively high Iron (Fe) content will harden the plant, increase disease resistance, strengthen roots while combating invasive plant species.  0% Phosphorus (P) will help to discourage weed grasses such as Poa Annua (Annual Meadow Grass).

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 5001P – TE 12:3:18 SP

3 – 4mm Organic based granular fertiliser. SP = Sulphate of Potash (K2 SO4) which is a source of both Potassium and Sulphur. Can be used for sports turf applications where soil analysis indicates that P (Potassium) levels are low. Also Ideal for Lettuce production under glass.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4553G1 – 5:3:8 Organic – Granular

Conventional Autumn & Winter analysis fertiliser, supplying ideal levels of nutrients to maintain plant growth, promote healthy roots and assist the plant in avoiding disease attacks. P & K levels are designed to replace the Phosphorus and Potash lost through “boxing off” grass clippings, while the reduced P content will not encourage Poa Annua (Annual Meadow grass), which can be a problem in soils with high Phosphorus contents. All components are derived from non-synthetic sources.

Application rate – 35 – 75gm/1000m2 (500 – 750Kg/Ha)


TE 5016G1 – TE 12:4:16 +3Mg + B (Boron)

Homogenous Compound Spring & Summer Granular fertiliser with a granule size of 2 – 4mm. High Potash level provides extra the Potassium where soil analysis dictates additional applications. Magnesium nutrition of plants is frequently overlooked and shortages will adversely impact plant growth. Many essential plant functions require adequate Mg supplies, the most visible being magnesium’s role in root formation, chlorophyll and photosynthesis. Boron is also implicated in the movement of sugars through the plants cell membranes. Also, the metabolism of amino acids.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 5010P - TE 6:8:15 + 5Mg (Onion)

Organic Based fertiliser with a granule size of between 3 – 4mm. Ideal for Autumn and Winter applications for Outfield Turf sports where P, K and Mg levels are low. More often used “pre-season” or soil incorporated for Onion and Leek production.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3959G – TE 20:10:10

Traditional Blended grass land formulation, offers all three major nutrients in adequate proportions to encourage strong, healthy vigorous growth.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4759G – TE 15:15:15

1:1:1 Balanced ratio Blended fertiliser, ideal for where Phosphorus (P) and Potash (K) soil reserves may be in decline.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3970G – TE 10:15:10

2 to 4mm granule Blended Outfield fertiliser for Spring & Summer use.  High Phosphorus (P) replenishes low residual nutrient reserve, – Important for root development, photosynthesis, plant respiration and general plant growth. As with Nitrogen Phosphorus is involved with many vital plant processes, it is present as a structural component of DNA, RNA and phospholipids which are important in membrane development and function.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3983G – TE 3:12:12

Granulated fertiliser with a typical granule size of between 2 to 4mm.  Ideal for Autumn & Winter use. The relatively low Nitrogen (N) content will provide sufficient nutrient to maintain the plant without producing unwanted lush growth and sustain a healthy root structure to help resist fungal disease infestation. Phosphorus (P) & Potash (K) to maintain soil based nutrient reserves.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3989G1– TE12:6:6

Blended alternative, conventional balanced Granular (2 to 4mm) Spring Summer fertiliser – simple choice to provide nutrients where no detailed soil analysis is available – ideal for low nutrient management regimes.

Application Rate – 35 – 70kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


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