
Thomas Elliott Fertilisers

Fine Turf Fertilisers

Fine Turf Fertilisers

TE 4809M 10:1:3 Organic (New)

100% organic Mini-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser, its granule size of between 1 to 3mm making it an ideal for Fine Turf. Moderate Nitrogen (N) level derived from Organic sources making it a key product for groundsmen adopting an “Organic regime” where residual P & K levels are medium to high.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


 TE 4806M 14:6:8 +2MgO + Seaweed. (New)

Mini-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser, its granule size of between 1 to 3mm making it an ideal choice for Fine Turf and domestic lawn applications. 14% Nitrogen (N) encourages early season growth along with P & K levels maintains the plant during the growing season. Magnesium (Mg) – Mobile throughout the plant, it is involved with chlorophyll production, contributes to seed maturation and sprouting. In addition, it helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.  Seaweed is a sustainable organic source of Elements, Enzymes and Vitamins necessary for plants metabolism.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3968G – TE 12:0:9 + 1Fe + 0.5Mg.

Mini-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser 1.5 to 3.0mm in diameter. Balanced nutrition where P levels are medium to high. Iron (Fe) – important for amino acids (protein Pre-cursors), enzymes and chlorophyll synthesis. Deficit will result in chlorosis and necrosis of the plant. Magnesium (Mg) – involved with chlorophyll production, contributes to seed maturation and sprouting. In addition, it helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3976M – TE 10:4:4 + 3.5Fe

Mini-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser 1.5 to 3.0mm in diameter. Balanced formulation where encouraging growth is less important, Iron (Fe) – will improve disease resistance, strengthen roots and top growth while is important for protein productions essential for Photosynthesis while discouraging invasive plant species.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3978G – TE 11-5-5

Simple balanced homogeneous Spring & Summer Mini-granular fertiliser 1.5 to 3mm granule size, often used where no detailed soil analysis is available.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3981G – TE 14:4:4 + 2.5Fe + 1.5Mg

Mini-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser 1.5 to 3.0mm in diameter. Balanced formulation where encouraging growth is necessary. Iron (Fe) – will improve disease resistance, strengthen roots and top growth while is important for protein productions essential for Photosynthesis. Magnesium (Mg) – important for plant metabolism.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3986G – TE 12:3:9 +1Fe + 0.5Mg.

Mini-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser 1.5 to 3.0mm in diameter. Balanced nutrition where P & K levels are low to medium and grass clippings are routinely “boxed off”. Iron (Fe) – important for amino acids (protein Pre-cursors), enzymes and chlorophyll synthesis. Deficit will result in chlorosis and necrosis of the plant. Magnesium (Mg) – involved with chlorophyll production, contributes to seed maturation and sprouting. In addition, it helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4213M – TE 8:0:0 +4Fe.

Micro-granular Fertiliser 1.5 to 2.0mm in diameter. Fine granule size for fine even distribution, 8% Nitrogen (N) will not encourage high growth rates, ideal for use where residual N, P & K levels are medium to high growth rates while maintaining a healthy sword. Iron (Fe) – will improve disease resistance, strengthen roots and top growth while is important for protein productions essential for Photosynthesis while discouraging invasive plant species.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4310M – TE 12:0:6 +2Fe + 1.2Mg – Slow Release.

“Slow Release” Spring & Summer micro-granular Fertiliser 1.5 to 2.0mm in diameter. Fine granule size for fine even distribution and less danger of “Bowls pick up” on treated greens. Basic formulation for where P levels are medium to high. Iron (Fe) – important for amino acids (protein Pre-cursors), enzymes and chlorophyll synthesis. Deficit will result in chlorosis and necrosis of the plant. Magnesium (Mg) – involved with chlorophyll production, contributes to seed maturation and sprouting. In addition, it helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 5038G1 – 18:3.5:8 Staged release.

General purpose Spring & Summer advanced formulation suitable for all Fine Turf applications. Staged nutrient release period of between 16 to 20 weeks (subject to climatic environmental/climatic conditions). One application ensures even controlled growth throughout the spring/summer playing season. 1.5 to 3mm granule size.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 5004P – 12:6:6

Conventional balanced Spring Summer Organic based fertiliser – simple choice to provide nutrients where no detailed soil analysis is available – ideal for low nutrient management regimes.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4488M – TE 14:0:0 +8Fe

Micro-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser 1.5 to 2.0mm in diameter. Fine granule size for fine even distribution, 14% Nitrogen (N) will encourage early season growth where soils are subject to a high degree of leaching, ideal for use where residual P & K levels are medium to high growth rates while maintaining a healthy sword. Iron (Fe) – will improve disease resistance, strengthen roots and top growth while is important for protein productions essential for Photosynthesis while discouraging invasive plant species.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 48031M – TE 8:0:6 +2Fe +1 Mg

Micro-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser 1.5 to 2.0mm in diameter. Fine granule size for fine even distribution, 8% Nitrogen (N) will not encourage high growth rates, ideal for use where residual N & P levels are medium to high while maintaining a healthy sword. Iron (Fe) – will improve disease resistance, strengthen roots and top growth while is important for protein productions essential for Photosynthesis while discouraging invasive plant species. Magnesium (Mg) – involved with chlorophyll production, contributes to seed maturation and sprouting. In addition, it helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4806M - TE 14:6:8 +2MgO + Seaweed. (New)

Organic Based Mini-granular Spring & Summer Fertiliser, its granule size of between 1 to 3mm making it an ideal choice for Fine Turf and domestic lawn applications. 14% Nitrogen (N) encourages early season growth along with P & K levels maintains the plant during the growing season. Magnesium (Mg) – Mobile throughout the plant, it is involved with chlorophyll production, contributes to seed maturation and sprouting. In addition, it helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen. Seaweed is a sustainable organic source of Elements, Enzymes and Vitamins necessary for plants metabolism.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 7:0:14 +2MgO + Seaweed + Zeolite (New)

Organic Based Micro Granular Fine Turf Autumn & Winter Fertiliser with a granule size of between 1.5 to 2mm. 7% Nitrogen (N) provides nutrition for late season growth and maintain plant root health. 0% Phosphorus (P) for where residual soil levels do not need to be replenished. Potassium (K) – Essential for metabolic processes, aids disease and, drought resistance and reduce susceptibility to frost damage. Seaweed is a sustainable organic source of Elements, Enzymes and Vitamins necessary for plants metabolism. Zeolite, a naturally occurring volcanic mineral with a porous structure which can harbour moisture and nutrients, counteracting the effects of drought and leaching.  Plants will not exhibit any ill effects from high K levels.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4553M – 5:3:8 Organic – Mini-Granular

Conventional Autumn & Winter analysis fertiliser, supplying ideal levels of nutrients to maintain plant growth, promote healthy roots and assist the plant in avoiding disease attacks. P & K levels are designed to replace the Phosphorus and Potash lost through “boxing off” grass clippings, while the reduced P content will not encourage Poa Annua (Annual Meadow grass), which can be a problem in soils with high Phosphorus contents. All components are derived from non-synthetic sources.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4807M 4:12:12 +2Fe + Seaweed. (New)

Organic Based Mini-granular & Winter Fertiliser, its granule size of between 1 to 3mm making it an ideal choice for Fine Turf. 4% Nitrogen (N) maintains plant health without encouraging excessive growth, P & K levels replenish soil reserves where grass clippings are routinely removed or where residual levels are low. Iron (Fe) encourages healthy roots and strengthens the plant.  Seaweed is a sustainable organic source of Elements, Enzymes and Vitamins necessary for plants metabolism.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3969G – TE 3:10:5

Autumn & Winter mini-granule Fertiliser with granule sizes of 1 to 3mm, ideal for where soil analysis indicate that Phosphorus (P) levels are Low. – Important for root development, photosynthesis, plant respiration and general plant growth. Unlike Nitrogen Phosphorus is not susceptible to leaching it being stable in the soil, access to the plant is via the roots.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3984G – TE 4:0:4 + 4Fe

Low Nitrogen (N) Micro-granular fertiliser with a particle size of between 1.5 to 2.0mm. Zero Phosphorus (P) for where soil reserves are proven to be high, Potassium (K) for where a slight boost is needed to maintain soil levels.  Iron (Fe) useful for “Hardening” the plant, improving the plants ability to “Over-winter” and combating invasive plant species.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3984G1 – TE 4:0:8 + 4Fe + 2Mg

Mini-granule Fertiliser with granule sizes of 1 to 3mm, Potassium (K) for where a slight boost is needed to maintain soil levels.  Iron (Fe) useful for “Hardening” the plant, improving the plants ability to “Over-winter” and combating invasive plant species. Magnesium (Mg) is involved with chlorophyll production, helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3985G – TE 3:6:8 +4Fe +2Mg

Low Nitrogen (N) Autumn & Winter Fertiliser mini-granule with granule sizes of 1 to 3mm, P & K volumes are aimed at maintaining soil reserves where analysis indicated that residual levels are medium too high. Especially useful for where turf is mown and clippings boxed-off on a regular basis. Iron (Fe) targeted at strengthening the sword, important where Winter sports are to be played and to improve the overall plants health and resistance to disease. Magnesium (Mg) is involved with chlorophyll production, helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4265M – TE 5:5:15

Micro-granular Fertiliser with a particle size of between 1.5 to 2.0mm for where a routine plant nutrient regime is called for or where soil analysis is available. Excess Potash (K) will have no ill effect on the plant. However, Potash (P) does have a beneficial effect by helping maintain root health and to combat disease attack.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4420M – TE 6:5:10 + 6Fe

Micro-granular Autumn & Winter Fertiliser with a particle size of between 1.5 to 2.0mm for. Extra Nitrogen (N) is available for soils where reserves are low due to leaching. Relatively high Iron (Fe) will improve plant disease resistance while combating invasive plant species in fine turf.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4465M – TE 5:5:10 + 2Fe + 2Mg

Balanced Autumn & Winter Micro-granular Fertiliser with a particle size of between 1.5 to 2.0mm, useful for maintaining plant nutrients where no detailed soil analysis is available. With added Iron (Fe) and Magnesium (Mg) to harden the plants and improve disease resistance.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4482M – TE 4:0:0 + 11Fe

Low Nitrogen (N) Micro-granular fertiliser with a particle size of between 1.5 to 2.0mm. Zero Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) for where soils reserves are proven to be high. High Iron (Fe) useful for combating invasive plant species. Long term use may influence soil pH levels.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4547M – TE 5:0:28 +2.5Fe +1.5Mg

Micro-granular fertiliser with a particle size of between 1.5 to 2.0mm. Zero Phosphorus (P) for where soils reserves are proven to be high,high Potassium (K) for where a boost is needed to replenish soil levels. Iron (Fe) for “Hardening” the plant for overwintering maintaining root health and to combat disease attack. Magnesium (Mg) is involved with chlorophyll production, helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 4663M – TE 4:0:4 + 9Fe

Low Nitrogen (N) Autumn & Winter Micro-granular fertiliser with a particle size of between 1.5 to 2.0mm. Zero Phosphorus (P) for where soils reserves are proven to be high, Potassium (K) for where a slight boost is needed to maintain soil levels.  High Iron (Fe) useful for combating invasive plant species. Long term use may influence soil pH levels. Potassium (K) is highly mobile throughout the plant transporting sugars and fibres for plant strength. Also aids disease and insect resistance, and is important in leaves regulating water loss increasing drought resistance and in growing points.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


TE 3972G – TE 3:0:22 + 4Fe + 2.4Mg + 6Ca

Mini-granule Fertiliser with granule sizes of 1 to 3mm, low Nitrogen (N), Zero Phosphate (P), high in Potash (K). Iron (Fe) for “Hardening” the plant for overwintering maintaining root health and to combat disease attack. Magnesium (Mg) is involved with chlorophyll production, helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen. Calcium Ca is an important constituent of plant cell walls and aids cell bonding, often found in the apex of plant roots. Calcium regulates the transport of other nutrients into the plant and is involved in the formation of enzymes and photosynthesis, root development, cell division and cell elongation. Also helps in countering the effects of having acidic soils, encourage beneficial grass species.

Application Rate – 35 – 50kg/1000m2 (350 – 500Kg/Ha)


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