
Thomas Elliott Fertilisers

Horticultural Fertilisers

Horticultural Fertilisers

TE 3971G – TE 6:10:10 (Potato)

Balanced granular blended fertiliser, formulated to provide the necessary nutrients for healthy root crop development. Phosphorus (P) – Important for root development, flowering, fruit ripening, photosynthesis, plant respiration and general plant growth. Potassium (K) – Highly mobile throughout the plant transporting sugars and fibres for plant strength. Also aids disease and insect resistance, contributes to plant flowering, and is important in leaves regulating water loss increasing drought resistance and in growing points. Also suitable for use with other vegetable crops.

Application rate = 14kg/1000m2


TE 3987G - TE 7:7:7 Growmore.

Traditional granular fertiliser (2 to 4mm granule), provides Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potash (K) in balanced proportions, making it an ideal source of nutrients for all round plant production.  Used as either a base or top-dressing will stimulate growth in all plants, encouraging fruiting, flowering, abundant foliage and strong healthy roots.

Application rate = 100Kg/1000m2


TE 5010P - TE 6:8:15 + 5Mg (Onion)

Organic Based fertiliser with a granule size of between 3 – 4mm. Ideal for Autumn and Winter applications for Outfield Turf sports where P, K and Mg levels are low. More often used “pre-season” or soil incorporated for Onion and Leek production

Application rate – 35 – 70gm/1000m2 (350 – 700Kg/Ha)


TE 3997G – TE 4:18:10 +5Mg (Phosmag) Mini-granular

Tree Planting (safe for Conifers) or general-purpose fertiliser, suitable for a wide range of Horticultural applications including Amenity Turf, Paddock/Pasture, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Trees and Ornamentals. Ideal for use where soils reserve of Phosphorus (P) and Magnesium (Mg) are in short supply.

Application rate = 50Kg/1000m2


TE 4036P – TE 5:5:6 Fish, Blood and Bone.

Traditional Organic powdered fertiliser, with a multitude of uses from Turf, Trees, Fruit and Vegetables to Flowers and Bedding Plants. Slow nutrient release through the growing season.

Application rate = 50Kg/1000m2


TE 4049P – TE 5:5:10 + 0.6Fe + 0.6Mg Rose fertiliser.

Powdered fertiliser specifically formulated for Horticultural use suitable for Trees and Ornamental Plants, ideal for rose production. Phosphorus (P) – Important for root development, flowering, fruit ripening, photosynthesis, plant respiration and general plant growth. Potassium (K) – Highly mobile throughout the plant transporting sugars and fibres for plant strength. Also aids disease and insect resistance, contributes to plant flowering, and is important in leaves regulating water loss increasing drought resistance and in growing points. Magnesium (Mg) – Mobile throughout the plant, it is involved with chlorophyll production, contributes to seed maturation and sprouting. In addition, it helps build cell walls and assists the plant in absorbing Phosphorus, Sulphur and Nitrogen.

Application rate = 35 – 50 Kg/1000m2


TE 4424P – TE 5: 7.5:10 + 1.7Mg +TE Flower & Veg.

Powdered fertiliser formulated to provide the necessary plant nutrition important for flowering, Root development, Fruit ripening and all essential plant metabolic processes. Suitable for most Horticultural applications.

Application rate = 50kg /1000m2


TE 4425P – TE 10:7.5:10 + 1.7Mg +TE High N Flower & Veg.

Extended release powdered fertiliser, ideal for container nursery stock and field grown tree and shrub stock. Formulated to provide the necessary plant nutrition important for flowering, Root development, Fruit ripening and all essential plant metabolic processes. Suitable for most Horticultural applications. Higher Nitrogen (N) concentration provides the necessary nutrition required throughout the flowering season. Organic content increases microbial activity in the soil.

Application rate = 50Kg/1000m2


TE 4451P – TE 5:8:11 Chrysanthemum

Powdered fertiliser originally specifically formulated for Chrysanthemum production. However, the formulation is ideal for many plant applications where soil analysis indicates that Potassium (K) and Phosphate (P) levels are low.

Application rate = 50Kg/1000m2


TE 4561P – TE6:11:18 Trench fertiliser.

Powdered fertiliser designed for soil incorporation for trench grown vegetable crops. Also useful for soils which demand Potassium (K) and Phosphate (P) supplementation. Nitrogen (N) – Necessary for production of Amino-Acids which are the building blocks of Proteins, constituent of chlorophyll. Nitrogen deficiency can result in slow, stunted growth, chlorosis (yellowing of leaves due to lack of Chlorophyll), also purpling of the plant stem, petioles and underside of the leaf. Phosphorus (P) – Important for root development, flowering, fruit ripening, photosynthesis, plant respiration and general plant growth. Potassium (K) – Highly mobile throughout the plant transporting sugars and fibres for plant strength. Also aids disease and insect resistance, contributes to plant flowering, and is important in leaves regulating water loss increasing drought resistance and in growing points.

Application rate = 50Kg/1000m2


TE 9016S – TE Poultry Pellets (Cat 2) – supplied in 20kg bag.

Organic fertiliser, a balanced source or Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K) and Phosphate (P). Ideal for Flower, Vegetable and Soft Fruit production. Also, can prove to be a beneficial sauce of nutrition when used as a Lawn feed.


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